H-INNOVA - Call for Projects
6th Edition
Participation requirements
Students Category
Undergraduate, Postgraduate or Master students from national and international Universities and Institutes that can include one more more professors as advisors (optional)
Groups can be composed of 1 to a maximum of 5 students of Graduation, Post-graduation or Master at universities or Institutes.
Groups can optionally invite one or more coordinating professors (up to three).
Candidates who have completed their bachelor, postgraduate or master’s degree in the academic years 2022/2023 or 2023/2024 can also participate in the 6th edition of H-INNOVA - Health INNOVAtion HUB.
PhD and Researchers Category
Doctorates, doctorate students or researchers
To participate in Doctorates and Researchers category you need to:
Have a PhD/Doctorate degree; or
Attend in the present academic year (2024/2025) a PhD/Doctorate program; or
Be a researcher in a University, Institute or Research Center;
STARTUPS that are developing innovative products / solutions with high potential of growth / internationalization
Candidates must have a Startup already formed:
Startups at different levels of development / TRL can apply to H-INNOVA – Call for projects if they focus health or healthcare areas;
Early stages startups are accepted but they need to have a clear market orientation and the vision to have a commercial product/service in a maximum time frame of 2 or 3 years.
Access to the Ecosystem of Innovation
Students Category
1st Prize
The winning team project
will be awarded a prize of
5,500 EUR
(gross amount)
Comprised of:
a monetary amount of
2,500 EUR
Which of 1,250 EUR will be paid after the creation of a STARTUP in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
3,000 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
If the winning team develops their project under the supervision of one or more professor/
researcher they will be
1,000 EUR
(gross amount)
2nd Prize
The 2nd place team project
will be awarded a prize of
2,500 EUR
(gross amount)
Comprised of:
a monetary amount of
1,000 EUR
Which of 500 EUR will be paid after the creation of a STARTUP in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
1,500 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
If the team develops their project under the supervision of one or more professor/
researcher they will be
750 EUR
(gross amount)
3rd Prize
The 3rd place team project
will be awarded a prize of
1,000 EUR
(gross amount)
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
PhD and Researchers Category
1st Prize
The winning project will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to
7,000 EUR
Comprised of:
a monetary amount of
2,000 EUR
Which of 1000 EUR will be paid after the creation of a STARTUP in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
5,000 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
2nd Prize
The 2nd place project will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to
3,500 EUR
Comprised of:
a monetary amount of
1,000 EUR
Which of 500 EUR will be paid after the creation of a STARTUP in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
2,500 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
3rd Prize
The 3rd place project will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to
1,000 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
Additional Prize
Additionally, if the TOP 5 finalist projects of the Student Category and the TOP 3 projects of the PhD and Researchers category create a STARTUP company in the Autonomous Region of Madeira within 6 months after the date of the Pitch Ceremony, it will be awarded an additional prize of €1,000 (one thousand euros), comprised of a monetary amount of €500 (five hundred euros) and €500 (five hundred euros) in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
1st Prize
The winning startup will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to
6,500 EUR
Comprised of:
a monetary amount of
1,500 EUR
5,000 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
2nd Prize
The 2nd place startup will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to
3,000 EUR
Comprised of:
a monetary amount of
500 EUR
2,500 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
3rd Prize
The 3rd place startup will be awarded a prize of an amount equivalent to
1,000 EUR
in dedicated mentoring hours from experienced professionals with expertise in business modelling, finance and business development.
Themes of the projects
The projects to be developed should focus on strategic areas for health and healthcare, namely:
A. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Business intelligence and medical devices innovation
The Hospital of the Future
Sustainable Health Care Provision
Energy and waste management optimization for hospitals in a sustainable perspective
Hospital acquired infection prevention
Artificial Intelligence for the Smart Hospital of the Future
Medtech and Pharmatech
Digital Health concerning Web-platforms, mHealth, Apps
Business Intelligence for Hospitals: data infrastructure, analytics and big data;
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to enhance the relationship between hospitals and patients
Telecare and remote patient monitoring systems
Privacy management and cybersecurity of clinical data
Cybersecurity solutions for hospitals
Medical devices innovation concerning electronic devices, biomaterials, artificial organs, diagnostic, drug delivery devices, monitoring, rehabilitation
Solutions to provide digital information to the user/patient and to their families during the medical appointment / medical treatment
Solution to control the entry and exit of visitors, patients and health professionals in hospitals/clinics, including providing information about who is inside the facilities at any given time
Add-ons to Integrated Health Systems Management digital platforms
Innovative products, services, or solutions in the field of Health tourism
B. Outbreaks innovation
19. Applications with innovative solutions to tackle Coronavirus or another virus outbreak
C. Focus in the patient
20. Preventive Healthcare: Services or solutions
21. Improve patient adherence with therapeutics
22. Home care
23. Improving communication between healthcare providers and patients
24. Healing architecture for better value in healthcare
D. Provision and Predictive Models
25. Prevision/scenario forecasting of macro models for public health
26. Prevision models concerning resources requests in pandemic and disaster/crises events
27. Predictive Clinical Analytics
E. Cybersecurity & Data Protection in Healthcare
28. Tools to ensure patient data protection
29. Cyber security of medical devices
30. Strategies to promote cyber awareness and cyber hygiene among hospital professionals
31. Methods to improve security of data sharing between medical devices, IT systems and other healthcare applications/programs
32. Development of an app for H-INNOVA - Health INNOVAtion HUB
33. Development of a marketplace platform for health in the scope of H-INNOVA – Health INNOVAtion HUB– Design process and how to configure the platform
G. Business Plans and Digital Marketing Plans
34. Marketing plan to promote health literacy in the general population or in a specific population group (senior population, less educated population…)
35. Healthcare Digital Marketing Plan to engage patients in their own care journey in a proactive way
36. Business plan to promote and development of health tourism
H. Mental health & wellbeing
37. Innovative solution(s) or approach(s) for the treatment or relief of symptoms of mental health disorders
38. Innovative solution(s) or approach(s) that allow families to provide better support to mental health patients
39.Project related with promotion of good mental health & wellbeing in companies, hospitals, etc.
40. Development of a solution to periodically evaluate the mental health status of healthcare professionals (questionnaire versus interpretation of signs/images), that would allow the Occupational Health Service to act in cases of alert
41. Innovative approach or methodology to document the stress of healthcare professionals in their daily lives considering different aspects in a standardized way in order to promote a better quality of life of these professionals, increasing the service provided to the patient
Students Category and PhD and Research Category
Registrations Opening: January 6th 2025
Registrations Deadline: February 28th, 2025
Submission deadline of follow-up questionnaire: May 12th, 2025
Project Delivery deadline: May 29th, 2025
Registrations Opening: January 6th, 2025
Pitch Deck Delivery deadline: April 30th, 2025
Main phases