H-INNOVA - Pitch Ceremony
2nd Edition
October 1st, 2021 - Auditorium of Jesuit College of Funchal | Madeira University
The ceremony of the 2nd edition of the H-INNOVA Pitch Ceremony took place on October 1st, 2021 in Funchal Madeira.
The event was held at Auditorium of Jesuit College of Funchal in Madeira University, with people attending both online and in-person.
By following government regulations regarding social distancing, we were able to have around 35 in-person attendees, complemented by over 125 that joined online!
The ceremony had some great interventions by speakers from the government of Madeira, Vodafone and Roche, as well as from the University of California, Riverside and from our Keynote Speaker Kenneth Hap Klopp. (access the full program here)
The participating groups of this edition also performed incredible presentations, both online and in-person on the Elevator Pitch presentations. In the end the two projects that were declared the winners of the 2nd edition of H-INNOVA Health INNOVAtion HUB were:
Glooma - Detect Breast Cancer at an early stage - Students category
Musiquence - The Therapeutic Outcomes of Music and Reminiscence Cognitive Activities in the Dementia Population - Doctorates & Researchers category.
Winning Projects

Detect Breast Cancer at an early stage
(Students Category)
Glooma's goal is to prevent deaths from breast cancer and aggressive treatments, helping women to self-exam as an early screening method for preventing breast cancer, allowing an immediate reaction to the appearance of abnormalities in the texture of the breast tissue.
A medical device in the form of a sensory glove is developed so that, by taking advantage of the ability of piezoelectric sensors to generate different electrical voltages when they suffer different mechanical pressures, identifies and controls the size and thickness of irregularities (benign or malignant) that appear in the tissue mammary.
This solution simplifies the interpretation of the breast self-exam: if the glove detects any abnormality, the application will issue an alert and recommend that the user schedule a medical appointment.


The Therapeutic Outcomes of Music and Reminiscence Cognitive Activities in the Dementia Population
(Doctorates & Researchers Category)
Musiquence is a platform that allows the incorporation of music and reminiscence elements in cognitive stimulation activities for People with Dementia, allowing participants to present improvements in cognition, anxiety and depressive symptoms and quality of life.